An endless combination of delicious flavorings for your protein without all the extra calories! Herbs and spices are loaded with cancer fighting phytochemicals not to mention packed with flavor. MORE NUTRITION LESS CALORIES.
8/22/2015 0 Comments What's in my fridge- raw footageAn inside look at what I have in my fridge. Supplements are useless without a foundation of whole foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, lean meats and dairy. Master the art of clean whole foods and you're 80% there!
A FEW REGULAR ITEMS THAT FREQUENT MY FRIDGE: EGG WHITES CHICKEN BREAST TROUT WATER SPINACH PEAS BEETS LETTUCE QUINOA BROWN RICE SALSA PINEAPPLE LOW CALORIE LEMONADE APPLES LEMONS LIMES CARROTS GINGER ONIONS JALAPEÑOS 8/22/2015 0 Comments EMFC-Early Morning Fasted CardioEMFC-Early Morning Fasted Cardio is an effective tool in taking your fat loss to the next level. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach perform any style of LISS (low intensity steady state cardio). Get your heart rate up where you’re sweating. You can speak but it’s a broken conversation. Anything will work that gets your heart rate up and keeps it there. You don’t have to be in a gym.
You can also drink coffee black to boost the effects. Make sure you stay hydrated. This method works best in conjunction with a lower carbohydrate diet. Check out this universal high performance nutritional shake you can make right in your kitchen!! It's nutritional profile is impressive! This shake can be modified to fit all of your needs: Pre-workout, Post-worout, Cutting, Bulking, or just a healthy meal replacement shake. Healthy AND high performance.
#1 LIQUID/BASE CUTTING- Use WATER for lower calorie. BUILDING- Some form of MILK for higher calorie. #2 PROTEIN WHEY or vegetable source if vegan/vegetarian. #3 CARBS SIMPLE & COMPLEX. Simple- Dextrose, Honey, Fruit etc. Complex- Oats #4 OMEGA FATS OMEGA FATTIES or just use anything high in omega 3's. FLAX, HEMP, CHIA, FISH OILS. #5 SPINACH Buy in large quantities and freeze. #6 SPIRULINA The best I've found is Hawaiin Pure. Buy on Amazon. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM CHINA!! BLEND, DRINK AND GET HEALTHIER. *PRE-WORKOUT, POST-WORKOUT, MEAL REPLACEMENT, NUTRITIONAL BOOSTER* #1 LIQUID/BASE CUTTING- Use WATER for lower calorie. BUILDING- Some form of MILK for higher calorie. PERFORMANCE- Coconut water #2 PROTEIN WHEY or vegetable source if vegan/vegetarian. #3 CARBS SIMPLE & COMPLEX. Simple- Dextrose, Honey, Fruit etc. Complex- Oats #4 OMEGA FATS OMEGA FATTIES or just use anything high in omega 3's. FLAX, HEMP, CHIA, FISH OILS. #5 SPINACH Buy in large quantities and freeze. #6 SPIRULINA The best I've found is Hawaiin Pure. Buy on Amazon. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM CHINA!! BLEND, DRINK AND GET HEALTHIER. OMEGA FATTIES VIDEO HERE: CHECK OUT THIS PROFILE ON SPINACH!!! 8/22/2015 0 Comments Turkey Balls-High Protein Low CalAnother great clean recipe to help get you lean without depriving you of flavor! High protein, moderate carbs and low fat. If you want to modify this to fit a more paleo/high protein, high fat, low carb, then just replace the flour with your favorite raw nut or seed! Kids will freak out when they taste these dipped in pizza sauce or bbq sauce. Make your own or look for brands with low sugar no high fructose corn syrup.
INGEDIENTS: 1 lb. 99% Lean Ground Turkey Breast 2 Egg Whites (6 TBS) 1 Small Carrot 1/4 Onion 2 Green Onions 1 Clove of Garlic 2 Tsp Olive Oil (or some other good oil) 1 C Flour(Brown Rice, Oat, Buckwheat Etc.) Grind Your Own. Save 1/2 cup for Later. 1 Tbs Of Your Favorite Herbs/Spices (Parsley, Oregano, Sage, Fennel Seed, Ect.) You Can Use A Combination As Well. Macro Breakdown: Makes 25-35 Balls. Just Divide Calories Between Balls Protein 127g / Carbs 46g / Fat 15g / Calories 814 8/22/2015 0 Comments A Typical Day Of "Leaning Out"In this video I go through a few of my daily rituals when I'm leaning out. I show what I do first thing in the morning, pre/post workout and I also give a ton of meal examples you can use to get shredded AND healthy without sacrificing flavor!
I think the title says it all!! Post workout the body is primed to absorb high quality nutrients. This is why if you're going to have a treat, make sure it's good quality! Both of these are easy AND high quality AND DELICIOUS!
This is my brother Cy Garrick's book. An all natural bodybuilder, great husband and fantastic dad. He practices what he preaches and only does what works. This book serves as a reference to the simple questions you may have concerning health, fitness, and overall happiness in life. Read it like a reference book, not a novel. Find a section or topic you are in need of and read until your questions are answered. Skip around. Read everything or only one thing; as long as it helps you reach your goal!
You can get your copy today on amazon right here: 8/22/2015 0 Comments Garlic Ginger Steak Stir-FryThe lower back is essential to almost every activity and anyone who's injured theirs knows this firsthand! After years of looking for a technique to permanently fix my chronically sore lower back I finally found it. "The Bracing Sequence" from Kelly Starrett's book Becoming A Supple Leopard is the keystone in preventing injury and rebuilding your lower back. It's also foundational in organizing our bodies in a way where we can create torque and generate force while protecting the integrity of our joints. This can be applied in every facet of life, that's why its SO brilliant. If you don't have Kelly Starrett's book I HIGHLY recommend it.
Mike GarrickThe leading expert in mental toughness, high performance nutrition and moving you into action. Archives
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