Here are 4 ways I consistently pick great watermelons:
1. Location Grown 2. Color 3. "Bee Marks" 4. Sound
8/22/2015 1 Comment Lower Body Park WorkoutLower Body Park Workout
3 Sets Frog Jumps 3 sets Max Sprints 3 sets Tire Flips 3 Sets Car Pushes use as: Leg day PM split on leg day Rest / functional day Fun way to test your leg power as well as your conditioning when you’re not in the gym!! 8/22/2015 0 Comments 5 ways to upgrade your happiness8/22/2015 1 Comment 3 keys to succeedThree keys you can use to be successful at anything in life. Modeled after oil billionaire H. L. Hunt's "secret of success".
8/22/2015 0 Comments shoulder health8/22/2015 0 Comments calories in vs calories out - Lv1Before moving on to more advanced principles, first we must become brilliant at the basics! It doesn't matter if it's fat loss or muscle gain.This video covers the very basics that we tend to forget. It's not as complicated as we like to make it.
A dangerously delicious, healthy treat high in protein and beneficial omega fatty acids. I guarantee this is something the whole family will love! Be careful with this one, it is high calorie. I gained 20 lbs pounding this stuff at night for dessert!!
8/22/2015 0 Comments omega fatties - superfood fatCustomize this awesome mixture of raw nuts and seeds to fit your omega fatty acid needs. Add it to a huge spectrum of foods to dramatically boost nutrition and flavor. The possibilities are endless! Check out Udo's site for a ton of reasons why you should include these oils in your diet.
Hands down this is my favorite method of cooking large volumes of food quick! I used to use the grill year-round but it takes longer AND all that yummy char that tastes great, yep their now saying it's carcinogenic. A little probably won't kill me but I eat A LOT of protein and that char was adding up! What I really love about this method is that you don't need any additional oil(extra calories) for lean protein to come out juicy and delicious every time. There's a small learning curve to figure out your oven and dial in the times. Once you get used to this, you won't go back.
Mike GarrickThe leading expert in mental toughness, high performance nutrition and moving you into action. Archives
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