1/28/2017 0 Comments GOALS, TARGETS & WHAT DO YOU WANT?Goals, Targets & What Do You Want?
I’m going to get right to the point on this one! I’m going to have you consider that the number one reason we don’t GET what we want is that we don’t KNOW what we want. When setting goals, most of the time, our goals are so vague and broad that we have no idea where or what to start on! Once you decide what you want and you’ve come up with a goal, the next step is to break it down into targets. If -for example- you want to lose 30 pounds in 90 days: You would have your 90 day target: - 30 pounds (105,000 calories*) You would have your 60 day target: -20 pounds (70,000 calories*) You would have your 30 day target: -10 pounds (35,000 calories*) You would have your 7 day target: - 2.5 pounds (8,750 calories*) And, you would have your daily target: - .35 pounds (1,225 calories*) *1 pound = 3,500 calories Eat 613 less calories from food And burn 613 calories in exercise. NOW you know EXACTLY what you want and EXACTLY what your targets are! No more guessing and feeling overwhelmed. Here are the the steps one more time: #1 Know what you want #2 Set a goal with a deadline #3 break that goal down into quantifiable targets Did i hit my target? Yes or No. If the answer is “no”, well then get your ass to work;) The end. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO
1/26/2017 0 Comments access power through adventureACCESSING POWER
I love ACCESSING POWER through ADVENTURE The thrill of exploration and pushing myself physically and mentally connects me to source The chaotic spinning of my mind slows I move out of my mind and into my heart Stress fades and clarity follows Clarity is power With power you can create whatever you want Push yourself more every day Learn to be alone in solitude Let your inner voice speak to you on top of the mountain CLICK HERE TO WATCH ONE OF MY FAVORITE ADVENTURES -NOTCH PEAK Do you ever get caught in this trap?
You think that if you get mad enough, or depressed enough, or angry enough, that somehow it will change the situation. Not true. I'll have you consider that the only thing that will happen, is you will feel the full reality of the emotion you are creating. These shitty emotions come from the story we are spinning in our head about the situation. I used to do this ALL THE TIME! I would think that if i got mad enough, that somehow things would change. Fortunately I've realized(through a lot of pain) that this simply is not true. We live in a cause and effect world. If we take action we will get a result. Simple right? The key then is to take action, review said action, adjust, learn, and then take more action until you finally hit your target. So why do we think that if we get mad enough that things will change? Because it feels productive. But guess what? This is what's called " Mental Masturbation" Overthinking something while trying to make yourself feel good about NOT TAKING ACTION. As Tony Robbins says "Divorce the story and marry the true". Instead of getting upset, just clarify what you want and take one simple action towards it. 1/15/2017 0 Comments HOw do you find your power?I know It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me BUT I can assure you I’ve been busy taking my game to the next level so I can bring that level to you. A whole new level of Mental Toughness, High Performance Nutrition and Badass ways to move you into action. Let me ask you a question… how do you find your power? Do you wake up and hope your day will go as planned? Fingers crossed armed with a powerful affirmation you go out and attack the day. Only to be derailed by the first setback that punches you right in the face! Let me ask you this, would you walk into a gym and get under a 315 pound barbell and expect things to go well? Not a chance. The fact is, you are going to get crushed! So why is it that we get five hours of sleep roll out of bed, grab a doughnut and some coffee and think things will go well? The truth is, they don’t go well. We get crushed! But this year is going to be different right? Wrong. The statistics say that 9 out of 10 people will not change even if their doctor tells them that if they don’t change they will die!! WTF! Why is this? Fact: it’s work! BUT I’m going to have you consider that it’s not as hard as you might think. What if it was as simple as “stacking” simple routines? What If it was as simple as being consistent with these “routines” until they became habits and you wouldn’t even think about them anymore! Like brushing your teeth. Consistency is the hallmark of a pro. When simple habits are stacked on top of each other they become a compounded force. Here’s a list of simple and yet powerful habits you can start stacking today:
Pick one or two and do them EVERY DAY FOR 90 DAYS. Here’s the catch, if you miss a day you have to start over! Don’t HOPE you’re going to have a day on fire, CREATE it by stacking simple habits one at a time. Are you part of the 10% who will actually do the work required to change? If you’re reading this, then I think you are. Until next time, Im Mike Garrick Think, Eat and Move with a purpose! 2/15/2016 0 Comments using adventure as cardioGetting your cardio in at the gym on a treadmill is fine but not the most exciting sustainable lifestyle. Why not use adventure to get your cardio in? You’ll burn a lot more calories without even noticing AND it’s a badass sustainable lifestyle!
2/15/2016 0 Comments Paralysis by analysisYour Mind can only entertain one emotion at a time so the best way to crush fear is through action. When you're taking massive action your Mind has very little room for fear. Nike had it right, JUST DO IT!!!
Mike GarrickThe leading expert in mental toughness, high performance nutrition and moving you into action. Archives
January 2017
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